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about us


Our Mission

We help ease the burden caused by Alzheimer’s and Other Dementias

Our Core Values







In Honor of Malcolm Joseph Phillips, Sr.

Husband, Father, Papa, Brother, Uncle and Friend to everyone he met

Malcolm's Heart Inc. was established in honor of Malcolm J, Phillips Sr. The brain disease dementia and Alzheimer's changed his family's life. The challenges that were faced in dealing with the disease was foreign to everyone. Although the brain disease hit him hard, he fought the disease with the Semper Fi spirit that he lived by. Whenever asked how he was doing, he would smile and say, "Everything is going to be alright, baby! How are you doing?" His Heart was to always make sure EVERYONE was taken care of. His spirit lives on as Malcolm's Heart, Inc. helps families challenged as his family was. His life and passing was not random but purposed, so others will have less and less of a challenge until the disease is cured.

Malcolm Joseph Phillips, Sr

Board Members

Kristy Heisser , President and Founder

Kristy Heisser

President and Founder

Integrity, Compassion, and Service were values that my father, Malcolm Phillips, Sr. taught me and now I share those values with all the people we serve. It is an honor to continue his mission through Malcolm's Heart, Inc.

LaToya Johnson , Tresurer

Malcolm's Heart, Inc. has a heart for the community. The selfless acts of kindness are bringing superior support to our aging neighbors and their caregivers.

LaToya Johnson


Thomas Phillips Vice President

Thomas Phillips

Vice President

Being a part of the nonprofit that bears my father's name is one way that I can help keep his legacy alive... Being a Board member makes it special.

Leslie Settle , Secretary

Leslie Vargas


Alzheimer’s and dementia is something few people really understand until it is too late. I want to be here to help educate our community and assist in services that help those who are caring for Alzheimer's and dementia patients. Together we can be the difference.

Kristina Heisser , Board Member

Kristina Heisser

Board Member

Malcolm’s Heart, Inc. has a desire to bring attention to  a commonly overlooked disease and provide resources to support those struggling with it is inspirational. I’m glad to be able to help those in need in any way I can because I know it’s hard to go through this alone.



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Rancho Cucamonga, CA

855-87-HEART (43278)


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© 2020 by Malcolm's Heart, Inc.| All Rights Reserved | Malcolm's Heart, Inc. is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization.

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